Ignite 2019 News on the Conversational AI Platform

Each year Microsoft is inviting intersted people from all over the globe to a big show, called Microsoft Ignite , where nearly 30.000 (you read correctly THIRTY THOUSAND) people gather together to see what’s new for the various products and services Microsoft is offering. Me as a Conversational AI guy, I’m quite excited on the news and announcements they’ll share at the event, but du to the fact, there the amount of news is that big, one has a hard time following all the necessary news and announcements at a glance. That’s why I compose a blog post tackling the various areas of Conversational AI in order to provide a comprehensive list of news and further links, to look through in order to dive into certain things being announced.
Bot Framework
Here is the list of all news and announcements concering the Bot Framework:
Bot Framework SDK
- Bot Framework SDK v4.6 (GA) for C# & JS along with updated docs and samples
- Bot Framework SDK for Microsoft Teams (GA)
- Bot Framework SDK for Skills (Preview)
- Adaptive Dialogs (Preview)
- Language Generation (Preview)
- Common Expression Language (Preview)
- Bot Framework for Power Virtual Agent (Preview)
- LivePerson integration
- New WeChat adapter
Bot Framework Composer (Preview)
So this is where I not only want to add a bullet list of links, but I actually want to share my thoughts on that briefly (and I will for sure follow-up with one or more posts on that solution). Bot Framework Composer is a game changer in my eyes in the field of creating/developing bots, as it gives you the ability to sketch out and compose the whole bot (along with the dialogs and all that good stuff) within a visual interface instead of writing actual code. And the cool thing about that is, when you are done modeling your dialogs and the whole conversation(s) you can actually use Composer to create the bot solution’s code and run it immediately to test it in the emulator or deploy it to Azure using the CLI for example, still without writing a single line of code. So if you are building bots (no matter if you are a developer or IT Pro or citizen developer or business user or whatever other role you have) you should definetly check out this really awesome tool as this will be making your life even more easier in terms of building smart and engaging bots with ease. So if you want to learn more, just take a look at this link
and give it a go…
Azure Bot Service
Bot Framework Solutions
Bot Framework Web Chat (GA)
Bot Framework CLI (GA)
Cognitive Services
Here is the list of all news and announcements concering the Cognitive Services:
Language Understanding
- General availability of the prediction endpoint V3
- Prebuilt domains is now generally available (GA)
- Japanese prebuilt entities - age, currency, number, percentage are not support in V3
- Italian prebuilt entities - age, currency, dimension, number, percentage resolution changed from V2
- Enhance user experience in preview.luis.ai portal - revamped labeling experience to enable building and debugging complex models
- Advance language understanding capabilities
- New and expanded limits
QnA Maker
- Explicitly setting the language for all knowledge bases in the QnA Maker service
- Multi-Turn feature (GA)
- Batch testing support
Must-See On-Demand Sessions
- Azure AI
- Bot Framework
- Three ways to build bots with Azure AI that can make you a hero in your organization
- A deep-dive into conversational AI using Azure Bot Service and Cognitive Services
- Create sophisticated, enterprise-ready bots from your existing data, with no code using Azure Cognitive Services QnA Maker
- Let’s build a knowledgeable chatbot with Microsoft Bot Framework, Azure Bot Services, and QnA Maker
- Creating enterprise conversational user experiences with virtual assistants
- Cognitive Services
- What’s new with Azure Cognitive Services
- Building enterprise ready, scalable AI solutions using Azure Cognitive Services
- Automating Azure Cognitive Services with PowerShell
- AI behind call center transcription: Using Azure Cognitive Services to improve customer experience
- AI behind call center analytics: Using Azure Cognitive Services to improve customer experiences
- Integrate speech and text translation into your apps using Azure Cognitive Services Translator
- Advanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU) models using LUIS and Azure Cognitive Services
- How to implement automated and intelligent enterprise support using Azure Cognitive Services and Microsoft Dynamics 365